It's bigger than Me!

For one to know their hurts,pains and disappointments growing up as a child. It would seem abusive or asinine to do the very things to your own child or another that most likely is still a issue in your life today while hoping for a different outcome. Yet still, this is the dilemma of many house holds in our country. (As the saying goes, hurt people hurt people.)

Not many set out to be a reflection of their past. But on the other hand, also not many reflect on their past to bring about the necessary changes to break the cycle of generational curses that keeps repeating from one generation to the next. 

In this past year, I've come to find out that depression is real and it's attacking our youth and men at an alarming rate.  As a whole, we are selfish. So much so, that the needed comfort or ear or hug needed to shift a depressed person falls on blind eyes and deaf ears. Hince, It's bigger than Me!

If we all could walk in a mindset that "it's bigger than me" than these changes can be reality. Consistency is key! And remembering all eyes are always on you so leading by example is a must. As well as staying the course. It's bigger than me. 

See community goes beyond a area. It goes beyond emotions. Community is connected whether visible or invisible, whether young or old. I need you, you need me, we need one another. Our greatness lies in our togetherness not our separation. And the more we examine ourselves to govern ourselves to move different than the hurt that made us in order to shape the ones under, from and after us, curses will be broken and destroyed. 

 I know the struggle for progress because I live it daily, but my joy is in the vision I see in the faces I touch from day to day from just keeping on. It really is bigger than me, and I pray that this mind that pushes me will trigger peace in you and free you from anything that hinders progress and purpose in your life. That you may affect the lives of those that encounter your presence. It's bigger than me!

I challenge you all to put on this mind and make a difference in the life around you!


From the Bottom to the Top!

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